Friday, 19 July 2013
The Top 10 Health Benefits of Orgasms
Friday, 19 July 2013 by astroboy

The Best Medicine
A visit from Dr. Feelgood, a.k.a. an
orgasm, releases endorphins that produce euphoria, pleasure, and
occasionally uncontrollable laughter. (My friend’s dating a girl who
goes “Heh, heh, heh” after she comes. Like the Hamburglar.)
The Actual Cure For the Common Cold
Forget apples. Fornicating on the regs
keeps the doctor away. Sexual health counselor and researcher Alison
Richardson says: "Regular sex is linked to higher levels of the antibody
immunoglobulin A, which may protect us from common colds by boosting
the immune system.
After Sex, the Glass Is
Half Full
It’s good for your head as well as your
heart and, uh, those other very special parts too! Sexual hormones may
lower rates of depression, anxiety and suicide. Doing the horizontal
mambo relieves everyday tension as well—like, say, a co-worker jacking
your 2% Fage yogurt. I GOT MY EYE ON YOU, LADY.
Battling Breast Cancer The Fun Way
According to Needle, Oxytocin has been
shown to possibly prevent breast cancer cells from developing into a
tumor. And don’t forget the foreplay! Breast and nipple stimulation
produces even more cancer-cell-fighting oxytocin.
You Can Eat That Zebra Cake Now And Not Gain 100 Lbs. Immediately
Woot! According to WebMD, 30 minutes of
sex can burn over 85 calories, and 42 half-hour sessions add up to 3,570
calories in the can. Granted, if you do the post-coital Taco Bell run
of your (uh, my) dreams, it’ll basically even itself out. Or, if you
want to be good, keep some healthy snacks on your nightstand, like
almonds, to curb your appetite instead.
The Glorious Gift of Sleep
be told, as I write this, it is 4 AM. If you’re a troubled sleeper like
me, you’ll appreciate the steep drop in blood pressure and sudden
relaxation after an orgasm, which, in most cases, usually puts him to
sleep before you. But if he’s doing it right (or if you’re doing
yourself right), you should be dropping off to a sound sleep before you
finish this article. Or, in the wise words of En Vogue, “He knocks me
out with one shot for the rest of the night.”
Wake up though, I’m not done.
Bye-Bye, Cramps
are about as close to morphine as you’re going to get unless you
recently fell out of a tree and broke all your bones, or you’re Nurse Jackie.
Have you ever had a headache or menstrual cramps that mysteriously
seemed to vanish during a(period) sex session? Yeah, that’s the
endorphins increasing your pain tolerance by 70 percent. Or you’re just
distracted by the dude on top of you. Either way.
It’s Better Than Makeup
If you’re making the beast with two backs
regularly, there’s no need to jump in a Sephora makeup artist’s chair
and ask them to Benjamin Button the sh*t out of you. The hormone DHEA
(Dehydroepiandrosterone), released during sex romps repairs tissue and
keeps it looking young. In a 10-year study of men and women’s sex
routine in relation to their appearance, volunteer judges guessed the
ages of people who had regular sex from seven to 12 years younger than
they actually were.
Much like a pot of fresh Columbian at 9
AM, having sex keeps your brain sharp. In increasing blood circulation,
it transports oxygen-enriched blood to the hypothalamus (the center of
your brain for memory and learning). In other words: Orgasms =
Remembering where you put your keys. Practical!
Decreases Incontinence Among Seniors
This is self-explanatory. I’m sure you want to run right out and have sex now after that lovely image.
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